Creative Learning Center's objective is to create and support a strong School Family.
Specifically, our objectives include:
Helping each child to:
make a successful transition from home to school
feel secure and happy in the preschool environment
build positive relationships with other children and adults
build a strong and positive self-concept
develop large and small motor skills and coordination
express himself/herself freely and imaginatively
become increasingly responsible and independent
Providing for:
experiences to develop reading, language and communication skills
"hands-on" experiences that promote an understanding of spatial and numerical concepts, reasoning and problem-solving
opportunities to explore, experiment and experience activities that provide them with an explanation and understanding of the natural world around them and its people
development of critical thinking skills (how to think) and problem solving skills (including conflict resolution)
mastery of recommended kindergarten readiness skills
sensory experiences which fulfill developmental needs and enhance a child's sensory integration process
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